Dal Makhani coconut soup

Dal Makhani coconut soup


Number of servings: 2 servings
Difficulty level: easy
Preparation time: 5 minutes


  • 1 kleines Stück frischen Ingwer              
  • 1 frische Knoblauchzehe
  • 50 ml Passierte Tomaten
  • 200-300 ml Kokosnussmilch
  • 1 Tl. Zucker
  • 1 Tl. Paprikapulver, edelsüß       
  • 1 Eßl. Schani Royal Ghee-Butterschmalz
  • 1 Packung Schani Indisches Linsengericht    
  • 50 ml Apfelsaft, naturtrüb


Heat the ghee in a pan on medium heat. Add the ginger, garlic, ground paprika and sugar. Brown lightly for approx. 30 seconds and deglaze the pan with the sieved tomatoes, coconut milk and apple juice. (If desired you can use a blender to give a smoother puree)

Add the packet of Indian lentils and heat through gently. Season the soup according to taste.

Serving suggestion: Serve in a bowl with Indian Naan bread.



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